Dear Christine,
Reference your e-mail of 25th February, the Titanic Centenary Booklet is a modest publication which pays tribute to the Engineering Staff, all of whom perished, but also draws attention to the legacy of safety measures which resulted from the disaster. Some of the photographs,letters and descriptions from the 80th Anniversary brochure are repeated but new material includes photographs of the Titanic Memorials at Belfast, Liverpool and Cobh in addition to Southampton.
The objective of the publication is twofold;-
Firstly, to remind us of the ultimate sacrifice of the Titanic Engineers and the continuing importance of Marine Engineers in world trade today.
Secondly, to raise funds for the Guild of Benevolence as it enters a second century of assisting Marine Engineers and their dependents who suffer hardship.
Should you decide to order a copy of the new booklet please advise address details for despatch and if you could send a cheque, made payable to the Guild of Benevolence of the IMarEST, for a minimum donation of £10 plus £1.50 postage and packaging.
Many thanks for your interest.
Peter Low
Guild of Benevolence