3D Project

Absolutely astounding!

Is it just the two panos (10 & 13) or will they all be 360s eventually?

Great accuracy on the internal windows. That inverted stern promises to be immense when it comes on stream.
Just these two VR Panos for now - from the trouble some people seem to be having downloading, probably would be better if I redid them in Flash instead of as QuickTime movies.

This is all part of a larger project that will be in the works for the next couple of months.
Wonderful, Tom

Love the stern view showing close-up of the decorative scrollwork and beading. I always think this was a most attractive feature on the Lucy and her sister, and gave their counter sterns that extra bit of elegance.

On the actual ships, was this beading made of brass, the same as the letters?

Long time no post. After a hiatus I'm (hopefully) in the home stretch of this project, and trying to wrap up the bow section. Please feel free to critique.

www alae us/Lusitania/Render014.html

Am I to understand the foc's'le planking was teak and not pine? This includes the gutters as well? Please advise. You'll see the planking shows up very bright and very yellow, like pine.

Also, four enormously large black and white bollards at the bow - were these painted buff in the last stages of the Lusi's career? What else had been painted this color? The first renders I intend to do will show her mid-1914. What was the intent in painting these deck fittings buff, anyway?

-Tom Lear
Hello Tom Lear,

I would like to ask you questions about your images 3D but it would be necessary that I have your authorization for poster some small parts of your images 3D.

can you give me this authorization because I is not your e-mail because I have much question to pose to you.

Thank you for your co-operation with our common passion.
