A date for this picture of Olympic

Several years ago I was going through some pictures my great-grandfather took while he was in the US army in WWI. Among these were several shots in port and he had one of Olympic. Unfortunately the original, as far as I know, has been lost but I had a copy made at the time. The picture was pasted into a picture book, so there were no markings, aside from his title, of where or when the picture was taken. I thought maybe someone here would have an idea of when this might have occurred.

Hello Nicholas,

Thanks for posting that photo. It's something of a rarity, as very few photos show the starboard view of that particular camouflage pattern.

To the best of my knowledge, Olympic wore this paint scheme from mid-1917 to August 1918. Her most common ports during this period were New York (or Hoboken, New Jersey), Liverpool, Southampton, and Brest. Perhaps the type of coaling barge alongside would be recognizable to someone. Would the other shots your grandfather took in port offer any clues?

Best regards,
Ralph Currell
Thanks Ralph!

The other shots might, but I'll have to dig around for them. I always kept the Olympic picture separate from the other copies. If I can remember from his letters, he was in France when he took some of these port pictures, so perhaps he was in Brest?