A Few Questions

I can't really find the information I'm looking for, so I'm just going to post my questions here in the hopes that people can answer these.

I dusted off my game a few days ago, and I've been hooked ever since ... forgot just how good a game it was. I'm trying to develop plans for a 3D model of various parts of the ship - the forward Grand Staircase is a good place I think - and I'm trying to take screenshots. I read someone else's posting on this forum, and yes: CTRL+ALT+PrntScrn causes some definite funky coloring. Any ideas on how to take properly-colored screenshots?

Also, I've seen several websites now which post different screenshots and videos from the game. Some screenshots are taken from perspectives that are impossible to get in the game, either in the Tour or Game mode. How did they manage to achieve that? I know there's a folder on the game disk which contains a bunch of .mov files; none of these are playable, in Quicktime, VLC, Windows Media Player, etc. Is there a separate folder/technique to get these images, or are they just promotional images released by Cyberflix (that's what I'm guessing, but I've seen several examples elsewhere)? Examples are at

Sorry for the questions, the game's great as it is, but if anyone knows anything, it would be appreciated!

Hi Kevin,

I am not sure how to take screen shots from the game, however if you are looking to use those rooms as reference I would steer you clear of some as they are wildly inaccurate.

i.e. the First Class passageways did not have silk wallpaper, the First Class Lounge is depicted with mustard yellow paneling with white relief for some reason, and the First Class Smoke Room in the game is from the Olympic as it appeared after the 1919 refit - and these are just a few....

Also, you are correct, the images of the rooms from impossible angles are promotional images released by Cyberflix.

Best Regards,

I'm using the rooms as a starting point -- more of the structure than the color. I'm just starting on modeling, so this is not really a serious undertaking. (I've seen some amazing work on here and, let's face it, I got inspired.)

Still haven't figured out how to take screenshots; it might be something to do with the configuration of the game. One thing I am looking for is a clear shot of the floor tiling on the Grand Staircase...that triangular pattern is alluring but I've never seen a definitive picture of it. The clearest I've seen is in the James Cameron film (when Rose comes up the staircase to meet Jack before they go to the steerage party); however, it's seen at an angle, and you can't really be sure of the scale. So, I'm looking for that; hopefully I can build a rough model from the floor up.

Thanks for your answer!
Hi Kevin,

This should help you, it is the Olympic / Titanic Grand Staircase tile pattern. I made this tile pattern specifically for such a purpose but never have undertaken a project myself.


Best Regards,
