A Shot in the Dark

I usually don't get into the really in depth discussions because I don't have alot of knowledge/opinion to offer. In this instance the only way I see that we could KNOW the truth is if we dig up bodies and examine them for bullet holes. I tend to pretty much believe someone unless I could factually prove them wrong. Without digging up bodies, I don't see how we could prove or disprove bullet holes in those bodies.
My 1/2 a cent worth. Karen
Hi, Jason!

I respect your opinion, old chap (even though I disagree with it.) You're absolutely right about that 'strange feud,' though -- it was one of the most bizarre incidents that's ever unfolded here on the ET bulletin board.

Anyway, I propose that we all get back to discussing the latest Titanic research. (These side issues tend to divert our attention from what's really important.) :-)

Take care, old chap.

Phil Hind wrote:

>This tunnel is indeed profoundly dull. Let's get >out!

Hi, Phil!

Light your torch and lead the way -- we're right behind you. :-)

All my best,

Parks: I fail to see what direct bearing your offhand remarks above have to do with this thread -- am I missing something??

The name of the "Titanic newsgroup" you referred to is alt.history.ocean-liners.titanic, and it frequently produces some very interesting and productive exchanges. (I should know; I wear BOTH hats.) And a good many people from this Message Board *consistently* monitor it, though few actually contribute to it on any regular basis.

While I'll agree that Dan Butler (among others) has his acerbic moments, they're rarely without basis, and almost always directed at outright TROLLS. Furthermore, I think your personal remarks regarding the man -- in THIS forum -- are highly inappropriate. As far as I know, Dan is not a member here, and if you find his behavior on a.h.o.t. objectionable, then the place to address it is there! (Others certainly do.)

Frankly, I don't at all like the overall attitude of Usenet "bashing" I occasionally see here. While I highly commend Phil Hind's efforts at moderation here, there's plenty of "heat" in both kitchens, as far as I can see! (And "if ya can't stand the heat ...")

Parks, I'd recommend far more than a cursory glance at that newsgroup before you dismiss it. The bluntness you might find there can actually be quite refreshing. Perhaps an actual contribution for discussion from you might well be appreciated. And I sincerely doubt you'd be flamed for that!

Just my two cents.

John Feeney
Michael -

You're right, the thread has taken a rather acrimonious turn in the last day or so. Which is regrettable because that turn was neither necessary or inevitable.

The whole center of this debate with Steve has not really been on whether shootings may or may not have taken place, but instead whether bullet-riddled bodies were picked up - the account of which (the story told by Mr. Stevens) actually was relatively new data. And I believe it is our collective responsability to properly evaluate its value, and in effect to "clean house" if it fails certain standards. I have argued why I think that story is folklore, and not evidence.

While I doubt "hard and irrefutable evidence to prove or to disprove a firefight" will ever turn up, that deficiency should not silence debate of what evidence or potential evidence there actually *is*.

Karen - That would be a good course to follow. The only problem is, though, that the bodies which supposedly had these wounds were buried at sea.

George - no problem.

"Karen - That would be a good course to follow. The only problem is, though, that the bodies which supposedly had these wounds were buried at sea."

I think it's safe to say we'll never know the truth then. Karen
After pondering all the above, the one thing it was safe to state is that suicide was quick to be concealed and slow to be detailed to the youngsters- as well as insanity and venereal disease- delicate 1912 sensibilities and all that. Washington Dodge's grandson was very surprised to learn the particulars of his troubled grandfather's demise when Mike Findlay and I visited him back in 1986- newspapers from the attic confirmed much of what he had not been made aware. I should not be surprised if there had been an incident of suicide or even murder which may have been quietly hidden, especially to spare the already traumatized family of the victims- it would have been in keeping with the mindset of the times.
OK, John, consider me properly and roundly chastised. Didn't realise there was such a ritual as 'Usenet bashing,' and you won't hear any more from me on the subject.

Good man, Parks! (I may have been too harsh ...)

"The problem is that the parties ... are a little bit dead, and therein lies the sticking point. Corpses are not an especially gabby bunch."

Michael: All this talk about gabby corpses and torches and what not is starting to vaguely remind me of both the mummy legend and a guy named "Silent Smith". Did we ever talk about them?

G'Day John, and if corpses become talkative, I gaurantee you I won't be hanging around long enough to find out how or why. Don't worry about the Mummy. When old Tut-tut went after my Titanic books, he crossed a line that none among the living or dead dare cross. (Flamethrower on!)

Jason, on reflection about the suicide possibility, that might explain bodies with gunshot wounds...if they existed. This is highly speculative of course, but if I had nothing but freezing to death to look forward to and I had a pistol, that Final Freind in the firing chamber would look mighty good.

Unfortunately, the evidence is either at the bottom of the Atlantic or buried somewhere...like Halifax, and I wouldn't give a farthing for the prospects of exhuming a candidate to check it out. If somebody proposed an idea like that, can you imagine the heat the poor sod would get from the family? >>Shudder<<

Michael H. Standart
Yes we have pondered the pithy puzzle of the mummy and Silent Smith- aka Whispering Smith in a former thread, Myths, half-truths and legends or something like that. In fact, I doubt if we've left any turn unstoned..er.. stone unturned.