A Visit with Barbara Anderson


Mrs. McDermott's is an extraordinary story. The page is fantastic. What momentos the dear lady has kept! You are the envy of many - including myself - in being able to meet her.

Yes Audrey is the second. Barbara has never met her -or a Titanic survivor. More photos just came back and am busy getting the second page ready for prime time!
WOW! I've gone teary, I'm afraid. Your story is very sweet, Shell. To think this lovely lady, with such zest for living, was once in the midst of such calamity is amazing and inspiring. What a triumph of spirit. And if you two don't look adorable, standing under the rose of sharon tree, I don't know what else to say.
Hi, Mike:

I hear from Audrey Pearl on a fairly regular basis, and the last letter I received was about two months ago. It was very chatty and full of news; so she seems to be doing fine. She turned 87 in February.

Eric Sauder
A postscript for those who may not read all the threads- today the mother and baby brother of Mrs. McDermott were found. As the graves were unmarked, none of the family ever knew what became of them. Thanks to our "British Braintrust" appeal and Cliff Barry, I was able to call her just now and tell her where and when her mother and brother died. Thanks Cliff- Phil, and this wonderful ET forum- for making this possible. I cannot tell you how happy Barbara, her grand-daughter and great -grandson PJ are to know this at long last. Mrs. Anderson lived a year after the loss of her poor baby, who was born six months after the Lusitania disaster and lived only 5 months. Barbara had always heard they had never recovered from being in the water on that day. Barbara came back to America when the war was over and lived with her father and stepmother. I am wondering about the possibility of a headstone for mother and baby.
Shelly, what a wonderful person you are for investigating this and bringing a closure to the family in this way. I am touched, and only heard this small portion.
God Bless.