Jo Rodriguez
White Star Magazine September 1930
GLOWING WITH HEALTH and giving the impression that all could testify to the possession of that "I could push the Town Hall down" feeling, the 500 passengers who had been with the Adriatic on her nineteen day cruise to the Atlantic and Balearic Islands landed at Liverpool on August 19th.
Captain Kearney, commander of the Adriatic, called the trip a regular sunshine cruise, and said that the deck swimming pool and plenty of sunbathing had been popular features of pleasure to everyone. Some of the passengers confessed that, though they had enjoyed the shore excursions, they got back aboard the Adriatic with a feeling, "Well here's our floating home again."
In the matter of souvenirs--- ranging from the leather work of Casablanca to embroideries of Tenerife --- many of the tourists could put down "a full house." At Las Palmas the Governor came on board for dinner, and the Las Palmas Yacht Club arranged a special gala dance to which all passengers were invited.
His Excellency the Governor wrote this message of thanks for the Line's hospitality:- "In the name of the Governor of His Majesty the King of Spain, and on my own behalf as the Governor of Las Palmas (Great Canary), I greet the brave captain of the Adriatic and all the passengers on board. Thanking you from the depths of my heart. Long Live England."
GLOWING WITH HEALTH and giving the impression that all could testify to the possession of that "I could push the Town Hall down" feeling, the 500 passengers who had been with the Adriatic on her nineteen day cruise to the Atlantic and Balearic Islands landed at Liverpool on August 19th.
Captain Kearney, commander of the Adriatic, called the trip a regular sunshine cruise, and said that the deck swimming pool and plenty of sunbathing had been popular features of pleasure to everyone. Some of the passengers confessed that, though they had enjoyed the shore excursions, they got back aboard the Adriatic with a feeling, "Well here's our floating home again."
In the matter of souvenirs--- ranging from the leather work of Casablanca to embroideries of Tenerife --- many of the tourists could put down "a full house." At Las Palmas the Governor came on board for dinner, and the Las Palmas Yacht Club arranged a special gala dance to which all passengers were invited.
His Excellency the Governor wrote this message of thanks for the Line's hospitality:- "In the name of the Governor of His Majesty the King of Spain, and on my own behalf as the Governor of Las Palmas (Great Canary), I greet the brave captain of the Adriatic and all the passengers on board. Thanking you from the depths of my heart. Long Live England."