Aero company

If an aviation concern had anything on board, such cargo would likely consist of assorted parts or perhaps even cloth which was what aircraft skins were made of then. I've seen the manifest and there is no airplane on it.

If you have a copy of Eaton & Hass "Titanic, Triumph and Tragedy" you'll find the manifest included in there. It might help if you offered up the name of this concern.

Michael H. Standart
At a quick glance, the Aero Club of America had a case of machinery. It also had a case of "printed matter". Perhaps that was copies of Fix Your Own Fractures by Ivor Bungleg.

There was certainly no complete aircraft.
I think it most unlikely that there was a 'flying machine' aboard Titanic when she went down.

However, the manifest does quite clearly indicate 'machinery' and 'printed matter', as Dave points out.

Now, from here on...I'm just guessing ...OK?

1910-1912, quite a few years since the Wright Brothers triumph, and the Europeans are starting to catch up with the U.S. in aviation "big time"!

One of the reasons was their development of efficient, lightweight radial and rotary engines.

I've got fifty bucks (Canadian!) that says the Aero Club shipment was possibly a Gnome rotary, or Anzani radial, aero engine - with the appropriate workshop manuals etc. etc.

It could also have been, of course, machine tools and/or dies to produce the same in the U.S.

Anybody else got anything?

I've started trying to trace this interesting little 'sidebar' - but to date with no success.

I promise to keep in touch.

John M