Ah....okay...looks like the "couple" was getting in for some recreational coupling.
Well, good for them. Hope they had fun and all that. (They must have if they went at it for five years.) I can understand why they kept it a secret though. If the press had gotten a hold of the story back in 1953, they would have been roasted alive and their careers ended.
I thought it a rather lovely story, particularly as they both held it so close all that time. Robert Wagner is clearly quite a gentleman as far as Barbra Stanwyck is concerned and good for him - I often wish there were more of it about. Less really is more.
I liked the story, too. Babs is among my favorite actresses. And wow, she was over 20 years older than he was! I'm about the same age Wagner was when this little affair started - was he lucky or what?! ;-)
Depends. He claims he was, so I guess he was. Others may not feel so fortunate being in an affair with a woman (or man) 20+ years their senior. It's all relative.
Still, Babs, I hear, was one-in-a-million, so I guess that is something to consider.
If you think about it, the plotline of the film is a loose retelling of the Navratril abduction, one parent taking the two children to America on the Titanic, unknown to the other parent. Of course, the outcomes, film vs actual, are rather different.
Hi Linda
You probably have heard it before. Unfortunately Child abductions take place all the time. I always wonder though if Titanic hadn't sunk if Ms. Navratril would have recovered her two boys or ever seen them again. Scary thought I know for any Parent myself included.