An Analysis of Titanic's Vertical and Lateral Watertight Doors

Wow! This is an excellent, fact filled nitty-gritty technical article that explains a great deal more than just Titanic's water tight doors! You did a really great job here and many questions I once had or wasn't sure of have now been cleared up. For instance myself and many other members of this site were not 100% sure about the watertight integrity of the two lateral swinging doors that lead into Hold #3 from the fireman's tunnel vestibule. Good stuff!!
Very informative article - but I have a question regarding the WTD arrangement at the aft end of the Fireman's Passage. The H&G Demo shows an additional door immediately forward of the main vertical door leading into the vestibule. It hinges forward (into the tunnel) and seems to have a 'viewing port'. I'm presuming it wasn't watertight and must have been manually operated - but what was its purpose, and could it be opened/closed from the vestibule side? :confused:

Fireman's Passage WTD.jpg
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