Anything from the Empress of Ireland

Hi Everybody. I'm interested in adding to my collection as usual! I am interested in anything relating to the ship no matter how corroded, broken etc. I have some duplicate items and would trade or buy outright. Thanks! Chris
Hi Chris,

have a look at - Brian Hawley's website for Luxury Liner Row. He has some excellent items there right now including china, glass and silver raised form the Empress of Ireland. Also items recovered from the Andrea Doria and so on, even something from the Lusitania. He is knowledgeable, his prices are more than competitive and the service offered is first rate. LLR has supplied many rare and unusual items for my Mauretania collection so I recommend this dealer with confidence.
Here is a link to the page featuring the Canadian Pacific items:

Luxury Liner Row

Hi Chris, Jason,

Chris, here is something I purchased from LLR - Luxury liner Liner Row - it is an exceedingly rare bit of a handgear from a a watertight door, perhaps from Shelter Deck. Recovered by Oceaneering International in August/September 1982. Impeccable provenance and absolutely authentic and with the Heritage Order now in place nothing else will be ever recovered as far as I know. I understand that a very few have the Kitchner spoons (cargo from the Specie Room) but fewer have structural steel or the like. May not look like much but it is enough for me

Watertightdoor Handgear recovered from the wreck of R.M.S. Lusitania, sunk May 7, 1915, by Oceaneering International 1982
Hi Jason,


Too bad I am having trouble typing/posting. I stuck a few words together and doubled several others back there
Double whammy - broke my glasses and I've not been sleeping so well!

What a great artifact Eric! I would love to have something like that from the Empress! Any day now I'll be getting a Silver finger bowl in a trade. I already have one so I'll be looking to trade this one if anyone is interested. Thanks, Chris
Hiya Jason,

Many thanks indeed
I did get some sleep last night and am hoping for more.
Chris - can you post a pic of the fingerbowl? I'm sure many would like to see it - I know I would!

Hi Eric. Here's a picture of both bowls. I also have 3 cut glass cruet tops from the wreck and I'd be willing to part with one in a trade. Have a nice weekend, Chris