Archibald Willingham de Graffenreid Butt and Daniel Buckley

Just wanted to note something hear and to ask a question.

Firstly, I have been looking through our copy of Theodore Rex (the new book, you know, just published!) by Edmund Morris, which is the second book in a trilogy on TR. In it, the Titanic (and Major Archie Butt) fan will find a great deal of information on Major Archibald Butt, including his full name (Archibald Willingham de Graffenreid Butt) as a little precious gem which no-one else seems to have ever noticed. I highly recommend this book, not only for Teddy reading, but for some Archie Butt reading as well!

Secondly, I'd like to ask if anyone has any information on Daniel Buckley's career in the British Army in the Great War, and about his death in 1918. Anything here would be very helpful.

God bless,
Addison Hart
Hi Addison -

Here's a bit from Senan Molony's tremendous work "The Irish Aboard Titanic"

In June, 1917, Buckley "trained at Camp Mills in Long Island and arrived in France later that fall with Company K of the 165th U. S. Infantry." Also, in Molony's account, he quotes the Cork Examiner, January 15, 1919: "He (Buckley) was wounded, though not seriously, in April last, and fell paying the supreme penalty fighting under the flag of his adopted country, just previous to the cessation of hostilities."

Hope this is of some help.

Best holiday wishes,

Would you expound on the new middle name for
Major Butt. I was a resident and a frequent
visitor to his native Augusta, Georgia. On
all the monuments and newspapers and clippings,
I have never encountered this de G name.
What is the source?


According to the index in the Morris Book, Brian, Butt's name comes from the table plan in Executive Mansion Social Functions,, a scrapbook to the social functions of the Roosevelt White House. RG42 Vol 11 (NAtional Archives)