Archie Jewell

Hello everyone...

Just a short note to remember lookout Archie Jewell, who died 84 years ago April 17, 1917.

I can't really explain why but I've always liked Archie specially. And it makes me sad and ashamed that he died by the torpedos of a german submarine, only 28 years old. So there's not even a grave for him. Nevertheless he's not forgotten.


Please let me concur with your message about Archie Jewell. I have seen the photo of him with his smiling face outside the Titanic enquiry in New York and he looked like quite a character!

It is such a shame that Archie did not live to have grandchildren around him to reminisce in later life, but then what a hell of a life he packed into his 28 years.

God rest his soul.

thank you for your message

I'm just wondering if anyone here knows much about Archie Jewell, relatives of him etc, I would like to know if somehow I am related, however it is hard to find this sort of information due to my grandfather who would be able to provide the info being deceased.
Maybe if anyone could also point out any places I could look for this type of info?

Riki J
There's plenty of stuff on the public record. You could start by tracing your own ancestors.

Go into the Mortlock Library in the Jervois Wing of the State Library of SA. That's the old wing next to the museum. They have stacks of stuff on microfiche, some of it from interstate and overseas. They also have The Advertiser going back well into the early days of SA, plus other papers.

The Poms will have their 1901 census on the Internet, if they ever get it working. There are all sorts of things if you have time and patience.

Carn the 36ers!
To David Gittins,
When on the internet it's advisable to refrain from derogatory and snide remarks about any nationals. Never forget that many of us have lived in your country too, and have heaps of retaliatory ammunition if needs be. So be a good chap and behave yourself !!

David Haisman.
I was born in same street as Archie Jewell, knew his family. A real sea-going family. Though much older than me, I remember them well. Am currently reading background to Archies' interesting career at sea. Bill Headdon
Hey everyone,

Absolutely LOVE Archie, and saw a thread saying there's a photo of him smiling outside the inquiry. If so, can anyone please provide it? I think it may be in my "Titanic Interactive Journey" graphic novel-esque CD-ROM, but I just want to make sure. If it's indeed the one I'm thinking of, it's a great photo! God bless Mr. Jewell and I will henceforth have a moment of silence for him every April 17th.
