
Hi! Hope no one has asked this before. I looked at the cave list and saw B-102! On Discovery channels home page I have found very detailed deck plans, but I cant possibly find B-102! The only inside staterrooms I can find there are B-100, B-89, B-101, B-107 and B-50. Are these deck plans reliable? If so, where do I find B-102?
Just noticed that it might be a misprint! there is 2 B-89 on that deckplan. If it is a misprint, what cabin should then The inside staterrooms have?
>>Are these deck plans reliable?<<

If these are the same plans produced by Bruce Beveridge, they would be just about the very best you can get anywhere. If you want to learn more about them and even get a copy for yourself, see

If they're not, then all bets are off.

Regarding cabin locations, any even numbered cabins would have been on the port side and any odd numbered cabins on the starboard.
Hello Peter,

The Discovery plans you have found are by Bruce Beveridge. Room B-107 [the room next to B-101 and opposite B-100], should read B-102. - The inside room B-89 [the one next to B-100] should read B-99.

You mention inside rooms. I note you only refer to those between the main fore-aft passageways. There were 24 others: 12 forward of the grand staircase: - B-7, 8, 11, 12, etc aft to B-36, 37.
Each of the 12 Suites of Rooms had an inside cabin for a Servant: B-81, 82 etc aft to B-91, 92.
B-101 and 102 were designated as Servants's Rooms for the two Parlour Suites.

I hope that helps,