Baby named after Millvina Dean


Baby Millvina is SOOO cute! And she seemed most interested in everything going on at the convention, although like Lauren she was totally indifferent towards Ben LOL :P !

I think Jemma's having trouble containing her jealousy here, Andrew

They were, of course, positively entranced by me, and as the links you provided reveal, it is hard not to reciprocate. Interestingly, it appears - judging from where Milvina (Sr) is sitting - that the photo was taken around the same time Jemma and I made our introductions to Milvina, Milvina and the Wards

Very sweet.
Hi Andrew,

Those are great articles. Thanks for posting the links.

I agree with Tracy, Millvina looks terrific for her age.

Best regards,

Speaking of Milvina.......

I just returned from a trip to Ireland and went to Cobh. The Dean restaurant in the Titanic restaurant remains closed. She officially opened it last year. Rumours around town suggest it may open soon, but that wasn't the case when I was there.

Hi Gavin,

Well I sure hope it reopens at some point. It's a wonderful restaurant and bar with a great atmosphere.

Hope you enjoyed your trip.

Best regards,
