Baltic's famous message

Hi everyone!
Could you please help me to find a higher quality digital copy of the famous Baltic's wireless message from April 14th (that is, the record of it)?
"Captain Smith, 'Titanic.' - Have had moderate, variable winds and clear, fine weather since leaving. Greek steamer 'Athenai' reports passing icebergs and large quantities of field ice to-day in lat. 41° 51' N., long. 49° 52' W. Last night we spoke German oiltank steamer 'Deutschland', Stettin to Philadelphia, not under control, short of coal, lat. 40° 42' N., long. 55° 11' W. Wishes to be reported to New York and other steamers. Wish you and 'Titanic' all success. - Commander." (British Inquiry, 16176).

Is it currently in the collection of NMNI, or?
Every help or redirection would be greatly appreciated!

Baltic's message - 'Have had mod var winds and clear fine weather...'.jpg
Hello Eugene,

Here is the rest of the message, as the marconigram you sent ends with "Stettin to"
Good will message from Baltic.jpg

This picture has a better quality than the one you sent. However, I'm sorry but I couldn't find yours in better quality.

Hope this helps a bit,

Good day to you,
You could try to visit the Marconi archives at the Bodleian Library in Oxford, they probably have a copy. Here's the link to their website and their Titanic Collection: website

But just so you know, you will need to justify your visit there, the website reads :
Conditions Governing Access
This is a select item. To ensure its availability to future readers, access to this item is restricted, and readers are asked to work from reproductions and published descriptions as far as possible. To apply to see the original, please send a message to [email protected], outlining the subject of your research, the importance of this item to that research, and the resources you have already consulted
Do it, it's worth a try I'd say ;)

Hi all,

A question just came to mind regarding this Baltic message: does anyone happen to know what was the time used (Apparent Ship Time, GMT?) The time on the marconigram reads 11:52 am, however, the timezone is not specified.

Hi all,

A question just came to mind regarding this Baltic message: does anyone happen to know what was the time used (Apparent Ship Time, GMT?) The time on the marconigram reads 11:52 am, however, the timezone is not specified.



In Sam Halpern's new article I've found the information you need.

The 11:52 am is New York city time.
If you want it with Titanic time it's 1:54 pm.

The information is at the top of page number 10.