Bargain Olympic one off pics


My mate Darren VERY kindly got some Olympic photo's for me on Ebay. I have been out lately on the Jelly vodka :))) so must have missed the listing... Considering they are one off's the price is a bargain ! As he knows Just what I look for.... I saw one not so good Olympic deck shot go on Ebay for £65 or something the other day - almost as much as this whole album. The person that sold this album put them under as H.M.S hence I think that may be why they did not sell for more ? I never do a search as H.M.S Just White Star Line, SS or R.M.S !

Will pay for them of course ! But how nice is Darren for doing that ?????? Will post them here to. Anyway with the pic Eric kindly sold me, the handful of others I bought on Ebay my Olympic photo collection will bit looking a bit more worthy.

What would you guys do ? Keep them complete in the
album ( which is nice ) or take them out and keep them with the others ? Or put the other Olympic's photo's I have and may get in the the future in there ....

Anyways cheers for that Darren.

You really do meet some nice people on Titanica !
