
Hi! Does anyone know whether any bodies were recovered by the Carpathia?
I have doubt that the crew would have bothered for the sake of the bereaved, but I do remember reading from several sources some years ago that a few bodies were brought aboard.
I require such information for my book, so would appreciate any information. Thanks.
Regards, Ryan.
The Carpathia didn't *recover* bodies, though they buried between 4 and 6 the morning after the sinking. These were mainly people who died on board, and maybe one or two bodies picked up from the lifeboats.
>>I have doubt that the crew would have bothered for the sake of the bereaved,<<

Actually, that wasn't the real consideration. Captain Rostron may have wanted to take a huge vacuum cleaner to the area and get back every single body. The problem is that the Carpathia had no mortuary facilities or supplies and no way to store the bodies, all of which presents to sort of obvious health risks you get with decomposing corpses. As Captain Rostron himself pointed out, there was nothing to be done for the dead.

If yoy wish to check out all of the testimony for yourself, you can click on the Titanic Inquiry Project. for the transcripts.
Brilliant, Bill! Exactly what I wanted to hear; now I don't have to re-write my Epilogue.
Thou shalt be mentioned in the acknowledgements -with your permission, that is.
Regards, Ryan.