Body 328

"328 Female - Estimated age, 14.
Height, 4 ft. 6 in. Weight, 80 To 85 lbs.
Hair, golden brown.
Marks, very dark skin, refined features.
Buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Halifax, N. S.
Wore lace, trimmed red and black overdress; black underdress; green striped underskirt; black woolen shawl and black slippers. No further aids to identification. Probably a third class passenger."

I think it was Dorothy Florence Sage. She was 14. She was a third class passenger.

It could have been Hulda Amanda Adolfina Vestrom. She was 14. She was a third class passenger.
I have photographs of both Dorothy and Hulda and neither fit the description. Hulda had medium to dark brown hair and light eyes. She also looked about 16, being a slightly larger built girl.
Dorothy was somewhat short, and looked 14-15 with dark brown almost black hair and dark eyes.