bOlympic Titanic & Britannicb

Years ago I bought a superb British documentary about the Olympic class liners from THS- I believe it was caled 'Olympic, Titanic & Britannic'. Is this documentary still in print? Is it available on dvd? Sadly my tape was munched be a defective vcr....
Tarn, is that the one subtitled "The Beloved, the Damned and the Forgotten"?

I have a copy put out by somebody called Fifth Avenue. It may still be about on tape. It's not bad for what it is. It was made just before the wreck was discovered. I doubt it's on DVD.
oh i love that documentery I brought it in a charity shop on VHS For 50 pence (english money)

I features a couple of short clips of the olympic on her way to the srapyard and you actualy hear her whistle!!! amazing
