Bonhams auction 23rd march

Yes indeed...

I should probably mention to any prespective buyers to be VERY cautious of the silver and silver plate items in this sale that are attributed to Titanic.

Simple fact is, there is no solid evidence that Arthur Price made ANY silver table service wares for Titanic and there is even less proof that items in the shapes and styles of those on offer were on the Titanic or, for that matter, any of the other ships of the Line.

NOTHING resembling any of these wares attributed to Titanic's restaurant has ever been seen in either the debris field or on ANY other WSL vessel.

Elkington, "yes", Mappin and Webb, "yes", "Goldsmiths and Silversmiths London", yes, but this stuff?...


It matters not one shred all the "provenance" that comes with the stuff because the items are not of any style or type anyone has ever seen used on any of the WSL ships.

Buyer beware!

Steve Santini
am I right in thinking there is some sort of a link between Mr Bulls items in the Bonhams sale which includes silverware and a rather lengthy number of posts by the President of the Falkirk Titanic Society and others a couple of years ago?


The only "link" is that one of the people the Falkirk "Society" was involved with is the same person who is consigning these silver items to Bonhams.

Certainly the mysterious Mr. Bull is also indirectly involved in that it would seem he had enough foresight to know the Titanic would sink and become a dollar sign and so he stashed away a veritable treasure trove of Titanic relics in anticipation of this.

It really is rather silly if one looks hard at it all. SO MANY silver items, all from the same person, all "over" engraved with both the OSNC logo AND the burgee (which BTW, other examples of WSL silver plate NEVER have) , all made by the same maker that both history and artifact recovery has shown did not provide silver items for Titanic, etc, etc, etc,...

Over the last few years I have tried my very best to notify the Titanic world of this. And, everytime I think I have seen the last of this, yet more amazing items keep turing up at leading auction houses from the same seller.

Haven't we all had quite enough?

And, more importantly, will people never learn?

Steve Santini
Hi Steve,
you have confirmed my suspicions entirely to the letter - thankyou! I for one wont be bidding!

Incidentally like you I did have the misfortune to be involved with the "Society" in question a year or so ago and have only recently come across the missives on here which I found quite amazing but sadly not a surprise.
Well, the silver centrepiece didn't sell. Here's a story on that and what other realisations were:


It is criminal that ANY of the silver items sold IMHO.


I would give ANYTHING to have a major newspaper contact me on this and do an expose of the entire matter.

Major auction houses have been warned in the past about this junk yet they simply do not seem to care.

It is high time these objects were exposed in the media for the worthless junk they really are.

Steve Santini
very well said. I as I mentioned in a previous post I would not be bidding on these items although I would have very much liked to have attended the auction to see for my own eyes this very sad event.
I can put you in touch with a UK newspaper if you wish! I don't think I have the experience or the balls to do it!
Take care
Steve, I hear Dan Rather is in need of a good story since he's no longer anchoring CBS Nightly News, and Jane Pauley is looking for a story, too, now that her talk show has been cancelled. You should seriously contact them - or someone should contact them and point them to you!

Well, Ray, bearing in mind that Steve has offered to reward the maker of a successful contact with ANYTHING (and keeping in mind just what he has in his own collection) I imagine that the entire British contingent here will have been busy and the switchboard of the News of the World will be jammed!

Seriously, Steve, the British tabloids have the largest circulations on the planet, they love to expose the unrighteous, and the Titanic name is still enough to sell a story. Worth a try, but what goes against it is that we're not dealing here with a risk that affects the typical consumer. Maybe your best bet would be the specialist journals which serve the antique trade.
Hi gang,

Thanks for the kind words.

I agree with a previous post where it was suggested that someone put media in touch with me as opposed to me seeking them out.

Despite my bluster and bravado in fighting the good fight in the world of questionable Titanic relics, I am really rather a private person and blowing my own horn to networks and media would not be my style.

Besides, in the past I have tried to warn certain auction houses, etc, of dubious items and they always seem to side with the seller.

In short, they have basically ignored me.

I imagine there is more profit in doing it that way!

Cheers, Steve Santini