Book Nitrate Boats

Tracy Smith

I recently acquired a used book called "Nitrate Boats" by David Burrell, which is about the Lawther, Latta Line. This is the company that hired Captain Lord after he lost command of the Californian.

While not about Captain Lord, per se, there is a section in this book about him, and he is mentioned several times. It gives the reader a bit of a look into his post-Californian career, and includes photos of the ships he commanded. In fact, there is a photo of a painting of the last ship he commanded, the Anglo Chilean, on the cover.
Tracy, I remembered that you had mentioned this book. You may want to post this item down under the book area. I am not saying that it does not belong here, no, I feel this is good, but I think that the book people would be interested down on that thread. Perhaps under Capt Lord related books. If they wanted to check out the lives of captains on the other ships that were about When Titanic sank. Just a thought.

I had considered putting it in books, but that thread said "Titanic" books, and since this thread concentrates on Lord and the Californian, and the Titanic's involvement is peripheral at best in this book, I tossed a coin, split the ifference and put it here. Of course, I could put a post on books also, but I think Phil frowns on double posting.

And this is a different book than the one I had mentioned before. Similar titles: one is "Nitrate Clippers" and this is "Nitrate Boats", but different books. One was written in 1932 and this one was in 1995.
Tracy, sorry clipper....boat.....hey, at least it was not a train book you had mentioned. hehehehehe But you are right, it does belong here and Phil does hate double posting. Sorry about that.
