Boxhall's life

I've got a few, Wendi - I'm going to need access to a scanner for some of them, but I'll see if I already have some in electronic format on my cantankerous old laptop.

On a related note - I know I've promised a lot of people material once I've got the home office set up...looks like that might finally be happening. We've signed up for broadband, brought a new machine and wireless equipment, and are going to network the three computers at home. Might finally get around to digging out all the stuff that's stored on the dinosaur!
thanks ssssssssooooooooo much're awesome.........good luck with your home office set up..........hope it makes things easier for you in the future.......later
You can count me in this group as well, Inger (as you know). Looking most forward to reading up on JGB.
Great to see you here at last, Courtney!

Courtney - by way of introduction to those who haven't yet had the pleasure of 'meeting' her - is the person who contributed the first bio of James Moody to ET...wwwaaaaayyyy back, before the messageboard even existed, and when the site was still 'Passengers and Crew'. She's one of the pioneers in this research.

Now I'm really feeling the pressure to get this Boxhall material sorted out
But it's all good - sometimes I need that extra bit of focus.
Thank you for the very kind "introduction," Inger (feel myself turning a bit red as you know I tend to be a bit of a quiet one). I feel mostly an amateur researcher as compared to so many of the wonderful folks here. Just glad to contribute where I can.

Bring on the Boxhall material!
Not a problem, Wendi - I don't mind being reminded of it. I've been trying to get data transferred from my old laptop - we've set up the new computers, broadband and wireless at home, but it's proved a bit difficult to find an easy method of transferring the great wads of data from the old 'slab' of a laptop. I haven't forgotten it, though - I've added a few bits and pieces to Boxhall's bio on the ET site.
hey the bio piece on Boxhall on the ET's really good......i'm really looking forward to the rest of it......especially the pictures........i hope you'll be posting different ones than the ones already on the net and in books.........later