Britannic Lights

>>no but by all means remove it now he has seen it<<

My colleagues have advised me that since this is a screencap, Fair Use applies. However, I will note...for the sake of keeping the legal eagles happy...that this screencap comes from the movie "Britannic."
I have no reason to doubt that you are correct about the lighted crosses being "glass panelled" but I have never encountered that information in my research. Do you have a reference that I may have overlooked?

Bob Read

I am not quite sure but I think I came across it in one of the expedition reports. Not sure if it was one of the Greek or the British dives. Would need more time to go though my stuff.
But I know that also Mark Chirnside mentioned it in his book The Olympic Class Ships.

And if I am not mistaken also a survivor or someone who travelled before November 1916 on her mentioned them. But not sure about this.

Kind regards