Cabin JosephPeter family

Hello dear people,

I was just looking to the cabin allocation list on ET. It mentions some information about third class passengers. I've a question about the following sentences:

Unknown Deck
69 (?) Joseph / Peter, Mrs
Joseph / Peter, Master Michael J.
Joseph / Peter, Miss Anna Unknown In section E

There was, according to the Eaton and Haas plans, only one third class cabin with the number 69. That cabin was on F deck and in section E (also according to the information in "Titanic triumph and tragedy" page 74, english version, 2nd edition). Why does ET put cabin 69 and the Joseph/Peter family under "Unknown deck"? Is it uncertain if they really were in cabin 69?

Any thoughts about this? I'm looking forward to your responses!



I think what it's trying to say is just what you thought: they are uncertain as to whether or not that particular cabin was occupied by that particular group. I could be mistaken, but I've saw cabins listed that way before and that's what it meant in those cases.


Actually cabin 69 on F deck (forward) is in section G, which is why the confusion arose.

There is no E69 (deck and cabin number) in third class and there is no cabin 69 in section E on F deck.

Hi Daniel,

I understand, but the mainpoint is that there was only a cabin 69 on F deck in third class, cause D, E and G deck don't have a third class cabin with number 69.

I thought it was identified as cabin ?69 in section E. And section E is on F deck. I know that section E isn't on E deck. But what I was thinking is: Why do we put a "?" in front of 69 when we know that this cabin could only be on F deck? That's why Brandon suggested that it isn't sure that the Peter family was in cabin 69.
