This might be a really stupid question but did each cabin have it's own key? like today's cardkeys? if so, when and where did the passengers get their keys to their respective rooms?
so that means that when the passengers wanted to get into their cabins...they had to call their stewards? explain better please...sorry for the iconvienience(i know that's not the correct way to write it)
I believe the cabins were generally kept unlocked. If passengers had valuables they were worried about, they could put them in the purser's safe.
While the ship was sinking, survivors recalled stewards going around locking stateroom doors. It seems it was something very noteworthy to people, leaving me to believe it hadn't happened yet during the voyage.
i think this site has a pretty good list of survivors and deaths. The best I've seen actually. I think it's in Topics Lost and Saved...might be wrong though...
>>so that means that when the passengers wanted to get into their cabins...they had to call their stewards?<<
Nope. As Brian said, the cabins were routinely unlocked. That would be unthinkable today, but in this respect, the Edwardian era was a very different world and nobody gave it a second thought.
>>No. He means that the routine was for them to be left unlocked round the clock.<<
That's exactly what I mean. Again, it may be hard to us to grasp something like that these days. With personal security on everybody's mind, it's very hard for us to imagine a time when the doors were left unlocked even in a few urban areas. The Edwardain era was one such time.
Many of those 1st Class passengers wouldn't have carried house keys either. It was their expectation that servants would be on hand to look after their property in their absence, and to let them in if the front door happened to be locked when they returned at any hour of the night or day. When travelling they expected no less from the servants of the shipping line.
Thanks you so much now it's all so clear. speaking about cabins, if you go "General Titanica" i had a dream concerning a cabin, could you all go there and check it out?