Cameron's Titanic cut scenes

Does anyone have any idea if & when an "uncut" version of Cameron's "Titanic" may be released. I have heard & read about the numerous scenes that were cut from the movie before it was released...every thing from more footage from the Marconi room to Ida & Isador Strauss on the boat deck. As you can well imagine- I would love to see these...Thanks alot...

I'd love to see it too, and I would be just as quick to snap it up. But, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it to happen. If it does, the owners of the flick will probably wait for some good time for Christmas, the 100th annaversery of the sinking or something like that.

Michael H. Standart
James Cameron's Titanic Explorer Interactive CD
has the cut scenes in his historical timeline of
the disaster. It might be worth checking out.
Among the cut scenes:
1. The passengers lining the decks at Southampton
just before and as the ship leaves
2. Various pass-bys of the ship sailing out to sea
3. Phillips' run-in with the Californian.
4. Fly-over of the engines as workers maintain the
5. The Astors in the gym after the collision
6. Numerous lifeboat launch sequences, esp. the
loading of boats 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15.
7. The captain calling back boat 6
8. Ida and Isidor Straus on the boat deck
9. Third class passengers negotiating the rising
water in the first class reception room scrambling
up the grand staircase
10. A last conversation btw. Guggenheim and Astor.
11. Various shots of the sinking scenes from
different perspectives
12. A comprehensive look at the rescue by the
Carpathia, the occupants aboard Collapsible B,
Ismay comes aboard to glaring faces, Bride helped
on board.
There are many more snippets as well, but these
are the ones that stand out the most.

To the above list of scenes cut from the movie but included on Titanic Explorer CD-Rom I'd like to add the scene of the Duff-Gordons just after the sinking showing perhaps the most sympathetic version of that lifeboat's failure to return to the scene. In it a crewmember asks if they should go back to help others. Lady Duff-Gordon grips her husband's hand with an awful look of fear in her eyes but says nothing. Meantime another passenger calls out that he thinks it would be dangerous; that the boat would be swamped. It's a very short but emotional scene, certainly important enough to have been left in the film. Too bad it was cut like all the other interesting scenes mentioned above.
James Cameron is famous for releasing the director's cut of movies........with the additional much talked about uncut case he logs in or anyone else you have my vote please release all 4 hours plus of "Titanic" not just the 3 hour 15 minutes version we have seen.........please we are waiting.......
Amen to that, Teresa!

I would LOVE to see those cut scenes in a director's cut version of the film. Even though I'm not a big fan of the movie (due to the fictional romance), all the above-mentioned deleted scenes seem to be about things that ACTAULLY took place. Plus, I do not yet own "James Cameron's Titanic Explorer." I will certainly snag it up the first chance I get, though!


Also, to add to the list of deleted scenes, I have come to understand that there was originally supposed to be several scenes concerning the ice warnings, not just the one from the Noordam. Plus, some private passenger message scenes, too, I believe.

BTW, I forgot this link to the Titanic Radio Site, which contains a picture of a supposedly-cut scene in the Marconi Room.

Does anyone know of any other websites which contains pics of cut scenes? Myself and all the others who don't own JC's Titanic Explorer would be very grateful!
I made a mistake in typing the link. I was going to post the correct one, and I tried to make sure I got it right this time, and it still didn't work. Oh,well, it was just a cut picture of Phillips handing Bride an ice warning in the Marconi Room, with a crew member standing in the doorway.
If I recall correctly, one of the men who worked on the film said that James Cameron wasn't going to release a Director's cut version as the one we see now is the Director's cut?

Does anyone else recall this conversation? I believe it was around Christmas time maybe??
Although I didn't originally post it, I have heard the same thing about Cameron not releasing a Director's cut since, he now says, the film as seen in theaters is what he wanted.

Eric Sauder

Does any one have book called "Titanic James Cameron's Illustrated Screenplay" It's a great book of the cut scene of the movie there is more of cut scene's of Thomas Andrews there is one where he is standing by the fireplace and tears coming down on his face in the movie he's not crying and there is a picture of him giving a tour in the gymnasium, more pictures of the officer's and at the end of the book there pictures of the dogs in the water after the ship founders.

Hey all,

now the link that did not work, the one Brandon sent, is working in the Crew messages section under the conversation "Wireless questions - help needed" in case someone really wants to see the cut picture of the crew member, Bride and Phillips.
