Carpathia builder's model

To those of you who might find this of interest, Mr. John Dean has recently discovered the existance of the original builder's model of the Carpathia. It's tucked away in storage at a museum located on the Swan-Hunter site. Mr. Dean, by trade a professional model maker and restorer, was able to take a number of photos of this model and has very graciously allowed a few of them to be displayed on the TRMA site.

The post in which Mr. Dean describes how he became aware of the existance of the model may be viewed at:

This will display the entire thread:

Photos of the model may be viewed here:

For those wishing to learn a bit about John Dean and his model work, the following will lead you to Mr. Dean's personal web site:
John Dean Modelmaker


Scott Andrews

I'm glad you enjoyed seeing these pictures. This is a remarkable discovery indeed, especially considering the amount of information which has been lost and/or destroyed over the years belonging to ships which were considerably more significant, at least from a marine engineering standpoint.


I'm glad you pointed out the issue of visibility from Carpathia's bridge. Given the forest of masts and derricks ahead of the bridge, I'm sure that visibility dead ahead wasn't terribly good even in daylight. Even though it made for an odd profile, I now certainly understand why H&W resorted to creating an "island" containing the bridge and wheelhouse forward of the main mast on many of their ships that had this sort of cargo-handling arrangement.

Scott Andrews