Carpathia Documentary

I saw it, Pat. Interesting on the one hand since they confirmed finding the ship. Infuriating in some others in that they...for example...repeated the Samson Myth in regards the "Mystery Ship", the 17 knot myth, etc. I may start keeping a tally of the gaffs if I have a chance to watch a repeat.
Hi, Mike

I was a little disappointed in it, quite honestly. In addition to the gaffes, it would have been much more interesting if they'd concentrated on the ship herself and the successful finding, rather than spending three quarters of the show on the unsuccessful early searches. Granted, the Isis finding was important, but there was a lot of padding.


I saw the Nat'l Geographic documentary for the first time last time (a re-run I imagine). Kind of interesting to me (though my attention was diverted many times). Anyway, it was the first time I heard of a ship called the Samson (I think it was). It said something about them "fleeing the scene" mainly cuz they were illegally sealing. I believe the show said that the people on the Samson saw the distress signals and thought that they could get in rouble themselves for what they were doing. Does anyone know of this mystery ship? Just curious.
The Samson is just another in the long line of red herrings that are part of the Titanic mythos I'm afraid. If you click on This Hotlink and scroll down in the side frame to "SAMSON", you'll get the whole story on this one.

It helps to know that Leslie Harrison...who was no friend of Captain Lord's critics...dismissed this as the fantasy it is. When you see the information that Dave Billnitzer has collated on it, you'll see why.
Sounds to me like the media types who keep resuurecting this one just don't bother to check their facts. However, I'm a bit surprised that National Geographic fell for it. They've tended from time to time to give things a closer look then that.

BTW, Dave, have you ever considered adding a Samson section to your website?
Fair enough.

Now if only this thing would just go away.