Lars Lifvendahl
I would like to know if the Carpathia had enough lifeboats for its passengers before taking on board the Titanic survivors.
I've heard Captain Rostron navigated his ship in total darkness amongst the ice fields, to assist the Titanic. If carpathia would have struck an iceberg would it have been yet another catastrophe, on the same night, in lack of lifeboats???
I really hope anyone could help me with this question as I simply can not find the information in any book!
Lars L.
I would like to know if the Carpathia had enough lifeboats for its passengers before taking on board the Titanic survivors.
I've heard Captain Rostron navigated his ship in total darkness amongst the ice fields, to assist the Titanic. If carpathia would have struck an iceberg would it have been yet another catastrophe, on the same night, in lack of lifeboats???
I really hope anyone could help me with this question as I simply can not find the information in any book!
Lars L.