Rachael Howland
Greetings! I am currently working on a theory which correlates the location victims were recovered from the RMS Titanic and their cause of death. This inquiry stems from the fact that I have encountered two different documents and one widely held opinion as to the actual cause of death for the majority of RMS Titanic victims. The first document was the April 25th telegram sent from the Mackay-Bennett (Eaton & Haas) and states that the “medical opinion” is that all of the victims recovered at that date had died due to extreme pressure after having been sucked into the vortex of the sinking ship. Three things came to my mind when I read this. There were embalmers onboard from Halifax, Nova Scotia that were undoubtedly familiar with maritime casualties. What evidence lead them to conclude that these were pressure deaths? According to later testimony, there was very little vortex as the ship went down. Who had been recovered at this point in time and where exactly were they? The next item I saw was a reproduction of the official mass death certificates which claimed the cause of death to have been drowning. Was this finding a function of medical evidence, ignorance or Edwardian principles? Lastly, I have heard and certainly agree that there is overwhelming evidence that the majority of victims died due to exposure or more clinically stated, hypothermia. I believe that in order to answer some of these questions, I will need to know the latitude, longitude and corresponding identification numbers for the victims. In addition, I would like to be able to find any information which could have lead to the findings reported in the Mackay-Bennett telegram. Ideally, I would also like to find the logs of the four ships which were sent out for the recovery work and any records the embalmers might have kept on the victims other than items found and a brief description. Can anyone suggest where I might begin to look for this information? I’ve been skimming through the threads which have been posted on this sight in relation to the “After Math” and just need more detailed info. Thank you for your consideration. — Rachael Howland