
I thought that this newspaper article from 1912 would be of interest:


Builders To Provide Double Bottom and Sides for the Gigantic.

LONDON, APRIL 21. — It is understood that the plans of the White Star Line steamship Gigantic, which is now being built at Belfast and was to have been 1,000 feet long, will be modified.

It is probable that the new plans will provide for double cellular bottom and sides, such as the Mauretania and Lusitania have, as a stipulated condition of receiving Government subsidy.'

Of particular interest as a focus is the fact that the name Gigantic is clearly identified with the third ship of the 'Olympic' class, by means of the safety modifications such as the double 'sides' which it speaks of.

Best regards,

Hi Mike!

It is indeed interesting, and apparently little known.

What newspaper did this appear in?

Ah...that would be telling. All will be revealed soon.

Best regards,

>>Ah...that would be telling. All will be revealed soon.<<

Awwwwwwwww...guess I'll have to buy the book.

Waitaminute...I already have! Guess I'll have to wait for it to show up next month.
This article is already online, as part of a May 2001 exchange of messages between Mike Cundiff and myself. You just have to know where to look.

For what it's worth, here's one I don't think I've come across before.

The New York Times, 24 July 1911

The Gigantic will follow the Olympic and Titanic in 1913, It's Said
Some of the men on the White Star liner Baltic which arrived yesterday brought in a rumor that the line contemplates building another gigantic steamship of the same type and size as the Titanic and Olympic. The vessel will be built in the yards of Harland & Wolff, Belfast, and the rumor had it that the new vessel will be launched in 1913. She will be called the Gigantic.

The new steamship, it is said, will contain improvements, the result of watching the operation of the Olympic and Titanic. The shipbuilders will carefully study the behavior of both, and the proposed liner will be built to correct every shortcoming found in the other two.

There is even a rare 1912 single-sheet publicity flyer for WSL's new Olympic-class liner "Gigantic"; 'building'. It shows a modified version of the lateral cross-section we are all so familiar with and it illustrates the points Mark has made earlier. New and improved safety features were an opportunity to 'fly the flag' - and burgee.
If you search furthur via the NY Times you'll find more editorials/comments on "GIGANTIC?BRITANNIC".

Some of which I had attempted to share via another Titanic discussion forum...:-(

Michael A. Cundiff
Excuse me...thanks very much for the credit MAB.

If your local or state library has NY Times on micro-film, it then must have the NY Times index.
For example: YEAR 1912 Subject BRITANNIC ...
it then leads you to the precise PG. and COLUMN. number.

Enjoy as I have over the years.

Michael A. Cundiff