Kathy A. Miles
Hi folks, I'm hoping someone can shed some light on the cherub from the forward grandstair. I've gone a bit bonkers and started a large woodburning project of the grandstair. This usually means I'm working on it surrounded by books with pictures, as well as the computer monitor with more images. I like to try and get the details right. Problem is, many of the best images I have are from Cameron's Titanic explorer. I have one image supposedly of Titanic's grandstair, though it could well be Olympics. The cherub in the photo is not that clear and rather dark, so I'm stuck relying on Cameron. But for starters, it looks different from the one in the image. The light is on the same side, but the other arm looks different. In the photo it looks like the right arm is bent across the chest supporting the left arm. In Cameron's stuff, it looks like the right arm is just held out and up. I've looked at the recovered cherub from the aftstair and other than being smaller, and having the light on the other side, it looks exactly like the one in the photo.
Can anyone shed some light on this? I figured it's possible that the photo IS of Olympic, and that Titanic's cherub was a bit different. I want to get it right, as I've already spent a great deal of time on the thing. For every 30 minutes of actual burning, I end up spending it seems, two hours double checking images and books. So, I'd appreciate any help.
Can anyone shed some light on this? I figured it's possible that the photo IS of Olympic, and that Titanic's cherub was a bit different. I want to get it right, as I've already spent a great deal of time on the thing. For every 30 minutes of actual burning, I end up spending it seems, two hours double checking images and books. So, I'd appreciate any help.