Alexis N. Marlow
I realized that I'd already asked a similar question, but I was just wondering, what are the chances that bodies # 1, 4, and 67 were not who they were identified as? Obviously, there are other choices, but anyplace I read about the subject, it seems they "confirm" that's who the body was. I recall reading that Frankie Goldsmith met up with a little band of seven other boys. Of the eight, two were saved, the remaining six were lost. Perhaps the boys were meeting in Will Sage's room the following morning and this boy had put Will's cabin number on the ticket? And if body #1 was Walter van Billiard, why did it posess Danish coins, and two hankerchiefs marked, "A"? My theory is that this could have been either Filip or Clarence Asplund, seeing as they would have passed through wherever Danish coins are used(bad geography skills, I have) and the two hankercheifs are marked with the first letter of their last name. As for body #4, I can only think of one other possibility, that of Eugene Rice. Sidney Goodwin was a brown haired child, like his parents and siblings, and Panula sounds like a Italian or Spanish name, thus blonde hair is not an opition. I would be very pleased if someone could respond to these thoughts, if they believe their own ways upon the identities of the three children who were identified by the Mackay-Bennett.
In my opinion, this is what I believe is right:
Body #1- Filip Oscar Asplund(13) or Clarence Gustaf Hugo Asplund(9)
Body #4- Gösta Leonhard Pålsson(2)
Eugene Rice(2), or Arthur Rice(4)
Body #67- Eugene Abbott(13), William Frederick Goodwin(11), Harold Victor(9), James van Billiard(10), Walter van Billiard(9), William Anthony Sage(11), or Willie Johnston(9)
Anyone with any disputs, please post a reply!
Alexis Marlow
In my opinion, this is what I believe is right:
Body #1- Filip Oscar Asplund(13) or Clarence Gustaf Hugo Asplund(9)
Body #4- Gösta Leonhard Pålsson(2)
Eugene Rice(2), or Arthur Rice(4)
Body #67- Eugene Abbott(13), William Frederick Goodwin(11), Harold Victor(9), James van Billiard(10), Walter van Billiard(9), William Anthony Sage(11), or Willie Johnston(9)
Anyone with any disputs, please post a reply!
Alexis Marlow