Christopher Gill
I have lately become very curious with how one would distinguish between first and second class passengers? I mean second class prices were that of first on most ships, so I assume the second class did not dress much less fashionably than the first class passengers. Maybe I am wrong. I ask because in Camerons version of the film it was easy to tell between first and third, but second was kind of a gray area. Maybe someone remembers from the film, but them loading the lifeboat that the character Rose jumps from, you see a father handing his wife his two daughters. The girls are crying and asking their father to get into the boat. The father is dressed decently, but I am not sure they are first or second. I know I also see these two girls at the very beginning when the film is black and white, they look like first class little girls, but as there were not two first class little girls that age on Titanic I assume they are second class. I don't mean to focus so much on the film, but I am trying to show my confusion. And if I am so confused, I wonder if it would have been easy enough for a second class passengers to wonder first class and not be bothered. I wonder.