Crew member relatives on board

Everyone usually just thinks of the impact on the number of lives lost between the families of passengers. But I'm also interested about the crew members who had relatives that were on the Titanic as well.

There was Ernest Allen (Trimmer) who lost his brother Frederick Allen (Lift Attendant).

Alfred Pugh (3rd class Steward) who lost his brother Percy Pugh (Leading Fireman).

Harriette McLaren (Stewardess) who lost her brother Frank Allsop (Saloon Steward).

Walter Hurst (Fireman) who lost his Father-in-Law William Mintram (Fireman).

Henry Noss (Fireman) who lost a relative, Bertram Noss (Fireman).

G. Chitty (Assistant Baker) and his relative Archibald Chitty (3rd class Steward) were both lost in the sinking.

Albert Akermann (3rd class Steward) and his brother Joseph Akermann (Assistant Pantryman) were also victims.

Does anyone know what "G. Chitty"'s name was and what the relationship between Henry and Bertram Noss as well as G and Archibald Chitty were.

Were Edward and Harry Stroud related?

If anyone knows anymore crew who had relatives also working on the ship, I would be most happy to know.

Thank you

Andrew Maheux
Hi Andrew,

See the message posted by Hilary Popple; under: Why dont the lists match up?
Albert Bryant [Greaser] - who was employed using the name M. Stafford and his brother Arthur Morris [Greaser]; were both lost.
Hi Andrew ,I have info on another crew member who had realitives on board the Titanic but, didnt know it. The crew member was William Ryerson He searved as a second class saloon steward and their names were Mr Arthur Rerson,who was his fourth cousin. Mr Ryerson died the night the Titianic sank the last four people, who I will name ,survived the sinking,and their names were Mrs Arthur Ryerson,the wife of Mr. Ryerson and they had three childern whose names were Miss Emily Borie,Master John Borie and Miss Suzan Parker,whose nickname is Suzette, and you can find info on these people on this website, and i hope this will help you find what you are looking for. jennifer mueller
Hi Andrew. My two great Uncles (Brothers), were assigned to the Titanic after the coal strike in England saw that the other liners were to be delayed. Their names were Frederick and George Clench. They were originally to sail with the Olympic. Frederick survived, but George was lost. If you put the surname CLENCH in the search engine, you will find some information regarding Frederick, but there is not much information regarding George. Hope this helps. Regards, Mark Clench.
My husband's GUncle Frederick DOEL was a Fireman/Stoker onboard and survived on clifeboat C - his step brother, Charles OLIVE was also onboard as a Greaser but unfortunately his body was not recovered.
Hi Andrew, I was just surfing around in here and found you posting. I thought it was very interesting, this was one aspect I had never thought of, crew members working on the ship together and one of them not surviving. Best of luck in you search, and I will be stopping back by to see what you have found out.
Hi Andrew, My great grandfather Albert Hunt was a trimmer who survived the sinking. His brother was Tom Hunt who was a fireman on board and he went down with the ship. Hope this helps.
My father in law's cousin Arthur Barratt was a 15 yr old bell boy lost on the Titanic. His aunt's brother in law was also lost, but I haven't yet found out his name. I'm working on it.
Becca - here is some family information that might help?

Barrett, Arthur (Archie). Lived at 164 Northumberland Road, Northam, Southampton. Occupation - Bell Boy. 15 years old. (Born in Hampshire).
(In memorium Hampshire Independent and Southern Daily Echo 1st and 4th May 1912)
Barratt, Arthur. Dearly beloved son of Arthur and Margaret Barrett, 164 Northumberland Road, Aged 15 years.
(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913)
Number 332. Barratt, Margaret, mother. Class G dependent.
(Death Notice, The Hampshire Independent, Saturday, April 17, 1915).
In ever loving memory of Arthur (Archie), the dearly beloved and only son of Arthur and Margaret Barratt, . . . Aged 15 years. As we gaze at your picture that hangs on the wall, Your smile and your welcome we often recall. We miss you and mourn you in sorrow unseen, And dwell on the memory of days that have been.

Cheers Brian
Andrew I have info about a crew member who had relatives on board the Titanic but wasnt made aware that they were onboard the crew member name was William Edwy Ryerson and he was a steward serving in the 2nd Class saloon there were five relatives that were 1st Class passengers four out of the five survived and their names were Mr. Aurthur Larned Ryerson, and he died in the sinking. His body was never recovered. Mrs Emily Maria Ryerson, who was his wife. They had three children whose names were Susan Parker Ryerson John Borie Ryerson, and Emily Borie Ryerson William Edwy Ryerson also survied the sinking, and i dont know if he and the other ryerson family members reunited after the sinking I should also tell you that aurthur and william were cousins they had the same great great grandmother i hope this info helps you there is more info on the ryersons on this website if you want more info on the ryersons and other passengers and crew members you may be interested in Jennifer Mueller