Does anyone know of a website or book or anything that has Cabin numbers for all decks and (if this is possible) the furniture layout of each cabin?
For room numbers: Titanic Triumph and Tragedy, by Eaton and Haas. - a few misnumbered.
For furniture layout [1st Class only]; The Last Days of the Titanic, by EE O'Donnell; which contains the plans from the Father Browne collection. - A-36 & A-37 are hand drawn. - Incorrectly.
These plans are also in: Titanic Legacy of the World's Greatest Ocean Liner, by Susan Wels.
Hello there, I'm new to this forum. However, I have a problem accessing quality general arrangement plans for the Titanic. I am reconstruction the ship in a game and have used the general arrangement plans on the discovery channel web site for quite a while, until a few days ago when the URL did not work and the page could not be found. The website is:
Is anyone else having the problem? I really need some great plans of the ship. The plans used on the web site were the ones by Bruce Beveridge and now that the web site is unavailable, I cannot continue my progress on the reconstruction. I have looked for other plans but they are not very good quality. I also do not want to pay for the Bruce Beveridge plans from his web sites since it cost a lot. Has anyone else found a great set of plans that I may be able to use? I would really apprieciate it