Decor of forward BDeck cabins

Would anyone happen to know if these cabins where luxurious or plainly decorated.

Just as an example, Molly Brown is listed in allocations as occupying B-2, 4, or 6.

I assumed that because of her wealth that she had an elegant room, but the photo on this
thread had me wondering.

Were they all like this? The James Cameron film depicts Molly's cabin as a large elegant room.

Just curious.

>>The James Cameron film depicts Molly's cabin as a large elegant room.<<

If I recall correctly, the reason for that is because he used a redress of the Parlor Suite set. While I'm no expert on the ship's decor, I know that the B Deck cabins you referred to wouldn't be anywhere near as grand.
Hello Adam,

Margaret Brown paid £27 14s 5d which was the minimum 1st Class fare from Paris. She was in stateroom E-23. See here:

Titanic The Ship Magnificent, vol 2 - Interior Design & Fitting Out, contains detailed descriptions of the various rooms. For B-deck forward. Quote: ".....the wall finished with common white paneling and the floors laid with carpet .................." In general each size/type of room has its own detailed description. - I highly recommend the volume.

Oh, Lester, you just have to rub it in that you already have the book. Make those of us who have to wait feel bad, why don't you? No, I'm kidding. But please refrain from expounding on the tantalizing aspects that the rest of us will have to wait 2 months for. It just makes it that much worse.