Yes, but to a certain extent. If you were a male of 16 or over, you either refused or was not permitted to enter a lifeboat. Otherwise survival depended on luck. If you were lucky enough to be requested to enter a boat (eg. Maj. Peuchen) or if you found yourself around the earlier boats on the starboard side. Otherwise you jumped, but this was considered cowardly. There was no class distinction. All, first second and third class males were equally allowed or not allowed to enter boats.
There was no class distinction for women at all. If you were fortunate enough to find yourself on the boat deck that night as a woman, then you had every chnce of survival, so long as you were not refused a seat due to the supposed crowdness of the boat.
I do hope that this helps you.
Post further questions if you require more help, or contact me via e-mail.