robert warren
Aside from Harold Bride who may have told the men on the overturned collapsible some time during the night, very few people in the boats would have known what kind of help if any was on the way.As far as the body warmth issue goes only a couple of boats were loaded to the gills to generate body heat. All accounts I've read all had survivors talk about what a miserably cold night it was. One thing that no one has ever touched on is the fact that the massive terror and stress these people just endured could have played a part in just how cold they were.Think about other accounts of people who have gone through hellishly scary stuff, they start shivering and everything. Maybe it's happened to some of you out there.I'd also be willing to bet that some people were even more miserable in the fact that some of them had to use the bathroom,or in some cases of extreme fright, had butterflies and gurgles in their stomachs signaling the start of something bad. No funny stuff intended, but stress can affect people in many many ways, and with 712 people I'm sure some of them had the aforementioned stuff to deal with.