Doctor Who

Paul Lee

Most of you will, I hope, know of a BBC Science Fiction show called "Dr.Who" that is due to re-invigorated and renewed for a new series next year....

....the new companion will be played by ex-Pop star Billie Evans, and the rumour is that her character, called Rose Taylor will join the good Doctor when his time machine lands on the deck of the Titanic and he whisks her away seconds before the ship sinks!

Rose....Titanic..... where have I heard that connection before

Best wishes


Well now, not the first Titanic link from the Doctor.

"Impregnable Brigadier? Too much like unsinkable. Remember the Titanic, glug glug glug."

Robot if memory serves

Sorry, my anorak is showing:-)
...though the fanboy rumour machine has been working overtime re. this new series, so the Titanic story is far from proven just yet.

Anyway, a girl caled Rose? On the Titanic?!

Until such a story is known to be true, this topic needs to head back to some geek forum or other!

Paul-just a wild shot in the dark here-do you like Rocky Horror, too?
Hi Mike,
Sadly, no, but I did attend a few Rocky Horror parties at Uni. I went as "The Narrator". Easy enough if you can blag a cape



Comment from a friend.

"Given the size of the TARDIS" isn't the Doctor a bit of a [deleted] for only rescuing one person?"

A valid point. Well Doctor, with another 1500 deaths on your conscience that puts you ahead of The Master. And the sinking was all the Sea Devils fault anyway.

I'll stop now, my injection is beginning to work...
>>Until such a story is known to be true, this topic needs to head back to some geek forum or other!<<

Mmmmmmmmmm...well...this is a TV show that's being discussed here, and not one that pretends to be reality. This forum seems as good a place as any to kick it around.
Well now, not the first Titanic link from the Doctor.
Nor the second, nor the last.

Kate Orman's The Left-Handed Hummingbird (Dr Who Books, Virgin Publishing, London, 1993), featuring the seventh Dr Who, has a confrontation with the Aztec god Huitzilin taking place on Titanic.
Going down on the Titanic, escaping to other dimensions, battling with crazed aliens - just some of the viable alternatives to a lifetime with Chris Evans.
I am a hardcore Dr Who fan...

Hands down Patrick Troughton (the 2nd Doctor) was THE best Doctor Who..

Tom Baker was good, but woefully overrated.
His Doctor was however a clever blending of the clownish qualities of the 2nd doctor with the dapper and dandy qualities of the 3rd doctor....

I hope DR Who stays 100% loyal to the continuity of the original series, and even if Paul McGann is not in the new episode, he, or a body double, should be be shown regenerating into the new Doctor...

Pity the Master was detroyed, he was a great nemisis..


Tarn Stephanos
Since the good Dr Who was a time traveler, I am amazed there was never an episode where the Tardis materialised on the Titanic..

If it is true Dr Who will land on Titanic on the return episode, all I can say is 'about time'..

Pity the 2nd Doctor never visted Titanic..

The loveable 2nd Doctor Who was such a klutz, I could imagine him wandering into the wheelhouse, and accidently walking into Hitchens, knocking him unconcious, sending Titanic on a collision course with an iceberg......
ZOE would fit well in 1st class, but I think Jamie would be out of place...

tarn Stephanos
Tarn, start asking around and you will discover a very peculiar thing - whoever was the good Doctor when they first discovered the show is "The" Doctor for them.
Hi Lee!
The first Dr Who I was exposed to was the 3rd Dr Who; John Pertwee. Pertwee had a singular charm, and made the character very likable (unlike Collin Baker's detestable and horribly dressed 6th doctor Who).

My 3 favorite Doctors are the 2nd, the 3rd and the 5th
(Patrick troughton, John Pertwee and Peter Davidson).

Tom Baker and William Hartnell's portrayals of Dr Who were good, but really didnt do much for me.

Collin Baker's Doctor was so irritating,both from his repelant personality and repulsive coat, I have a hard time watching any of Collin Baker's episodes, and I never could get into William Hartnell's Doctor .

I havent seen enough Sylvester McCoy episodes to draw an opinion of him, and as we had Paul McGann just once, he was trying to hard top be like the 3rd Doctor, so I could never really read what his personality was all about....

ps- Whatever became of Bessie, the 3rd Doctors motorcar?
Was it ever driven by the 4th Doctor?


tarn Stephanos
Wow, you got me, but ask around at WorldCon and I'll guarantee you will find the answers - I think there's a Dr. Who party on Friday night and a LARP going on at least part of the weekend.