Adam Tarzwell
I just finished watching disc one of the movie with the historical commentary on and I must saw it was very thorough and well done by both speakers. I think these two men are the most knowlegedable people about the Titanic subject and all of their insight was great. Ken just marvelling over the sets a couple of times not paying attention to waht Don was saying and sorta being lost. It was great. I look forward to watching disc two as the sinking progresses. Someone remarked to me saying that they thought the special edition was lacking for such a huge blockbuster movie will I disagree when you got 3 sets of commentaries from Don and Ken, James and some of the actors it is a load of stuff... and the deleted scenes, ship tour, photo gallery, documentaries, behind the scenes featurettes... of course there always could be more but this is the DVD we have waited 7 years for...