Elin Hakkarainen

A photo of Gerald Nummi, Elin's son, taken in Mystic, Connecticut- I think the year was 1990. Franks Aks and Marjorie Newell Robb came too that year and sat in the little palm court. Such a pleasant couple, he and wife Jane. Janet White has done a wonderful history of Elin's sad story which was published a few years ago. Those were happy days- lots of good memories. They came on QE2 with us also, Gerald had respiratory troubles in later years but it never slowed him down much.
Oh man, I'm quite late. I'm sorry but I rarely have time to go on ET, anyways, about Elin- she knew Pekka was going to investigate the shock, and speculated he will return with some kind of news-why did she leave their cabin-to search for him, or to go on her way, not trusting in Pekka anymore ? That poor man probably came back, but found the place barren, and by then it was too late.

Hi everyone

I was intrigued to read in Ohio Woman Lost Bridegroom: Lima News that among the things Elin Hakkarainen remembered from the sinking of Titanic were "the mother who left her seven children asleep in their cabin . . . "

Given that she was in lifeboat 15, I did a quick scan and the only woman in that boat who I could find, who might be close to the description was Selma Asplund, who had five children, 3 of whom were lost.

Of course, the report may be inaccurate or the woman with children might not have been on lifeboat 15. Does anyone know any more about this particular person? Thanks.