Empress of Ireland Collectibles & Emphemera

The Museum at Father Point, Quebec, is hoping to host an "Empress" dinner to mark the 90th anniversary of the sinking. Does anyone have a first-class dinner menu from the Empress?
I am seeking original or microfilm Newspapers from the Empress tragedy with dramatic headlines. International papers with the initial announcement of the tragedy 29 May 1914 (first word of the sinking); and a newspaper announcing the Lord Mersey verdict 11 July 1914. Thanks, all!
I have a question relating to "Empress" china. I've seen several instances where the "Alton" pattern was said to be first class china. I always thought the "Fontenay" pattern was first class and the "Alton" pattern was second class. Another question I have is, in David Zeni's book "Forgotten Empress" there is a picture of a plate in the "Faucille" pattern. I have never seen one of these plates was it rare? Last question. Did the "Empress of Britain have the same china that was on the "Empress of Ireland"? Thanks!