Empress of Ireland Postcard postmarked May 1914

I just bought an Empress of Ireland postcard postmarked Montreal May 27, 1914 the day before she set sail on her final voyage! It says in part, Will write you again from the boat. I couldnt see the rest of the writing from the picture of it that I saw. It should arrive in the mail this week so hopefully there will be more clues as to who sent it and if they survived. I will keep you all posted.
Congratulations on a terrific find, Chris!

[Moderator's note: This post and the one above it, originally posted in another topic, have been moved to the one which is discussing the same subject. JDT]
Thanks Jason. Here's the full text.
Dear little Girlie.
Well how are all you
Hope you got my letter from Dunmore. Will leave Montreal at 8:30PM get on the boat for Breakfast tomorrow. Had very sick headache Sunday but feel fine now. Will write you on the boat.
Your old Auntie Jennette.
When I saw the post mark May 2, 1914 the hair on my neck stood up but when I read it it really triggered a lot of emotions. I've started my research and so far I've narrowed it down to 3 possibilities, sadly none survived. I welcome any help any of you can give me and I'll continue to post updated on my research. Hope you're doing well Jason! Thanks, Chris
I hope so! Since she took the Empress Special train from Montreal I'm thinking she was a First Class Passenger. It's hard to tell if she was addressing it Dear little Girlie Jennette or signing it your old auntie Jennette because she was cramming as many words as she could into that small space. She addressed it to a Mrs. Albin Kling in Emerson Iowa. There are still 5 people in that county with that last name and I have their phone numbers. I will start calling this weekend and see if that sheds any light on the mystery. I'll keep eveyone up to date. Thanks!
You're welcome, Chris and thanks for posting the full text. Very interesting! I concur with Mike; either one of those two fine gentlemen might be able to assist.

I'm doing well, thanks. Hope you are too, my friend.

Can't reach you on your home address. I think I've tracked down the recepient, which would indicate that the sender was a third class passenger, originally from Sweden. Craig and I will keep trying.