Entex Lusitania conversion to Mauretania


I am considering converting the 350 scale entex Lusitania into the Mauretania. I would be grateful for any suggestions on matters that I should consider specifically relating to the conversion of the model itself. Or indeed if this conversion is not practical.
I am aware of some of the differences between the two 'sister' ships and have got a copy of the Shipbuilder reprints.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.



I was planning on converting to the later war configuration which had the dazzle camouflage.

My difficulty at present is in a lack of detailed plans to facilitate the conversion.

I find it amazing that plans galore are available for the Titanic but seem rather sparse for the Mauretania.


I suggest you try on the various ship modelling forums. There is a fellow named Jim Bauman (from memory) who has done a superb detailed model. You'll find the major differences between the ships are the bridge front (Maury's is rounder) and the cowls. Everything seems rather sparse for the Mauretania, this might hopefully change with Lusitania's 100th anniversary. I am looking for an interactive site like this which discusses Cunard or Lusitania but there seems to be nothing except the excellent QE2 Story site, which of course is dedicated to her. Ask again if you have questions, I am only too happy to share or point you in the right direction. Dazzle paint schemes port and starboard are available in Peter Newall M - triumph and ressurection and David Williams Liners in battledress (but don't go by illustrations on cover, she seems to have been greys and blues. Newell's book also has portside view of yet another pattern on a fourstacker which looks like her - I call this the Snarl and Stripes.
Ellen - Jim Baumann has already been kind enough to share some information with me for which I am much indebted - his 600 scale model was the inspiration for me and his work is in my opinion very impressive. His base was the Airfix Mauretania model so I will have some work to do to the Entex kit before I am even ready to commence the massive amount of masking which will be required for a dazzle scheme.

I think a shopping trip for the two books you mention is on the agenda!

In terms of scratchbuilding changes to the Lusitania one difference I have been made aware of is that there is an overhang on one of the Maurys decks not present on the Lusitania. I will have to try and get the rather small scale plans I have (principally from the Shipbuilder reprint) and blow them up to 350 scale and hopefully do the same with some Lusy plans I found and see if I can figure the differences. I understand there was also a difference in the stern shapes of them which hopefully will become more apparent when I can compare like scaled plans.

At least I have plenty of time to get together reference materials - I am wading through the Minicraft Titanic at present which I am building with LED and fiber optic lighting and the full range of photo-etch add-ons.
Agree, Jim Baumann's model is so impressive, some views of it on that site look as if Maury has come to life in miniature. I don't do modelling but I do other crafty things and it takes hours of work. Be aware that Liners in Battledress has all sorts of ships. Also look on line because there are a few pix of Maury in her war-paint posted. Yes, Maury did have an overhang on a deck (I'll have to look up which) I am looking at Duncan Haw's profiles and it seems the overhang on Lucy's stern was longer than Maury's.
Merchant Fleets, vol 12 - Cunard Line by Duncan Haws, published 1987 by TCL Publications (Travel Crestours Ltd, Burwash, East Sussex TN197BW, England. Duncan Haws did about 20 books depicting the fleets of all kinds of merchant companies. Each ship has a profile and a very short history. Unfortunately Maury is not depicted in camouflage and the profile of her is approx 180 millimetres long so you may be better working off the plans you have. Another old book - Ships of the Cunard Line by Frank E Dodman, published by Adlard Coles Ltd, London 1955 has a good starboard side drawing of her in her war paint. I wonder if this is copyright