Michael Cundiff
G'Evening -
With modern forencic technology advancing at a
rapid pace, I was curious if it were possible for modern Marine Forencics to determine the extent of damge to LSITANIA'S hull plates via the vast coal field left in her wake at the bottom of the Irish Sea?
Pardon me if I have overlooked an idea that were previously undertaken by Dr. Ballard, Sauder(S), Marschal, etc. during their through exploration of the wreck.
Michael A. Cundiff
With modern forencic technology advancing at a
rapid pace, I was curious if it were possible for modern Marine Forencics to determine the extent of damge to LSITANIA'S hull plates via the vast coal field left in her wake at the bottom of the Irish Sea?
Pardon me if I have overlooked an idea that were previously undertaken by Dr. Ballard, Sauder(S), Marschal, etc. during their through exploration of the wreck.
Michael A. Cundiff