Hi. I have seen the story of Father Browne being befriended and offered passage to New York several times, but the names of the "millionaire couple" are never identified.
In THE LAST DAYS OF THE TITANIC E.E. O'Donnell simply states "The story goes..." that a couple at his table made the offer and the cable came back, "Get off that ship -- Provincial." In the piece by Father Browne in that book, which he wrote for students at Belvedere College apparently, he himself doesn't mention anything about it. The Father Browne website also doesn't identify who it was. If it happened that way, it must have occurred Wednesday night, the 10th at dinner.
Does anyone know if Father Browne ever mentioned who it was, and is the general sense that it did happen? I hope to include some of the Browne photos in my book for young readers and share his story, but don't want to pass on what might simply be a Titanic legend...