First Class Lounge image

Ive seen the photo of the men playing cards in a couple of places. I think the book you are referring to is "Titanic: an Illustrated History".
if you do a Google image search for Titanic Lounge you should be able to find other pictures of the Lounge. The book "Titanic and her sisters Olympic and Britannic" , has some colour pics of the Olympics virtually identical lounge which is now in the White Swan hotel in England
Good luck!

[Moderator's note: This post and the one above it, were in another topic, but have moved to the one addressing the same subject. JDT]
>>I've found a photo of a man flipping through a book by the lounge's clock. I'll upload it when I can.<<

Not so fast. Please make sure the photo is clear of any copyright restrictions. Don't assume that owning a copy of a photo means it's free of copyright.
Agreed, Michael. This is an issue that will rear its head again and again. Just because you own a copy of a photograph, it is not yours. Even such photos as those sold by the Smithsonian Institution come with strings attached, and if one shows up with just "Author's Collection" as the credit line, that person has just ripped off the United States.

Whether it is from the Getty Collection, the Museum of the City of New York or the National Monuments Record, you've better have proper authorization before posting or using any such photograph.
In an upcoming article of mine I've included a copy of a photograph that came from NOAA. I asked them for permission to use it and the reply I received was that particular photo came from a set of photographs that are considered public domain, and I should be free to use any of them. Despite that, I felt it was necessary to acknowledge where that came from.

Very true. Even if in the public domain, printing or posting a photograph without attribution to the original source makes it that much harder for a future researcher to find that original source and to connect with the past.