Correction, I said I don't know if his styles were correctly drawn as there doesn't seem to be a record or an archive to identify the various suite rooms to any particular styles, thus taking his pictures for granted may mislead readers. On the other hand, perhaps Ken has something which allows him to depict the cabins correctly.
One thing he does depict incorrectly is the cutaway inspired by Fr. Browne's photo. On C deck, cabins C66, 68, 70, 72, 74 are revealed. Cabins C66, 68 and 70 are depicted correctly. But where C72 was meant to be decorated in Old Dutch style, it's in Modern Dutch, just like next door C70. C74 was meant to be Modern Dutch but is depicted in the Old Dutch. If you switch the pictures for C72 with C74, you'll get the correct order and styles.